"When I look back over the 6 months I met with Pamela as my health coach, I am amazed at the goals I met. I started out with daily sugar cravings, anxious, highly stressed, and unhappy with my weight and completely overwhelmed with life. Within a month I started sleeping better. By two months I was managing my schedule better and the anxiety and stress was severely reduced. I began to ask for help instead of trying to take care of everything on my own. I am now enjoying more home cooked meals, with wonderful recipes Pamela provided and enjoying life much more. The successes of the program are gradual and sometimes it’s hard to realize how much you have accomplished, but when I look back at the last 6 months I am so amazed at the results. I am sleeping better, I choose the food I eat and am not controlled by cravings, I have less stress, anxiety and worry, and overall I have increased energy and vitality for life!"~ Amy "AJ" Sanders, Licensed Massage Practitioner and Health Program Specialist.
As your health and emotional empowerment coach, I can help you develop and track your goals, such as stronger emotional empowerment. Together, we will ensure you establish a happier, healthier way of life. Go to https://www.pamelabiascalosada.com/services to schedule a complimentary health breakthrough session.